缓存在 / Being Theoria
UN&ON is a special project of the
4th Hangzhou Triennale of Fiber Art,
which will be open to the public at Zhejiang Art Museum
at 15:00 on October 18, 2022.
2022.11.13 / 14:00
The 3rd performance of the un&on project
Will be held in
It will be a complete 45-minute performance
Weaving Jungle
Specially invited performing artist Tao Xinqi's Team work
"Sub-Human 7: Pearl Man, Super Island"
Please visit the official mini program of the Zhejiang Art Museum to make an appointment and arrive 10 minutes in advance.
▲《亚人7: 珍珠人、很岛》2022年11月2日开幕表演现场视频
The project takes UN&ON as the starting point. As its meaning indicates, we try to explore the non-physical existence between the "non" which represented by "UN-" as the prefix, and the "yes" and "openness" represented by "ON". When UN&ON is the tail of the narrative, "ON" means that "UN-" is occurring and continually colliding out of regular encounters. When UN&ON is the beginning of the unknown, "ON" means to create the existence above the field, before the theory. The combination of "UN-" and "ON" implies infinite possibilities, which creates a chaotic state before being theoria, allowing people to pick up the initial experience of perception with the introspective body.

▲"日常植造un&on"展览现场 Project on site
Human's perception of everything is always produced before thinking, and to some extent, it is also the product of experience. The cognition-oriented way of vision is leading us gradually ignoring the perception ability brought by other senses. However, perception is the beginning of human's understanding of the world and self, and it is a chaotic form in the subconscious. 'tactile sense' is one of the most primitive ways of human perception, which has appeared in the infant age when the five senses could not yet be expressed in words.

▲"日常植造un&on"展览现场 Project on site
We hope to bring the sentient and the physical body back to the beginning of everything, reshape the monotonous and solidified consciousness. Therefore, we try to create a unique transformation, penetration and participation between people and exhibits through an interactive mode based on tactile perception and supplemented by other perceptions. It presents a state of losing control, openness in mind and chaos, providing an alternative narrative and possibility for the process of continuous discovery and interpretation.

▲"日常植造un&on"展览现场 Project on site
项目作者 / Project creator:
Weaving Jungle
项目策划 / Project Curator:
Luo Shilin, Mao Yu, Yao Wanqing, Wang Shuyi, Huang Rong
艺术家团队 / Artist Team Member:
Huang Rong, Jiang Meiqi, Liu Tiantong, Luo Shilin, Li Wen, Mao Yu, Tang Chenkai, Wang Haoyu, Wang JinXuan, Wang Shuyi, Wu Fengxi, Wu Yiquan, Xie Shaofen, Yan Yizhou, Yang Yumeng, Yao Wanqin, Zhang Bin, Zhang Xinli, Zhu Chenxi, Zhu Shengsheng, Ma Siqi, Zhang Tiantian, Chen Binsheng, Chen Wanyue, Gong Ziqing, Han Yining
特邀设计团队 / Invited Design group:
Ma Chuan, Xiang Yi, Li Danlin, Chen Yue, Huang Yin
特邀表演艺术家团队 / Invited Performing artist team:
陶心琪、龚啸、徐心怡、吴文芳、肖丹 、
Tao Xinqi, Gong Xiao, Xu Xinyi, Wu wenfang, Xiao Dan, Shen Chao,Yang Sitao, Daniel Rojasanta, Xu Xiaoling
项目主持及指导 / Project Director:
Ying Xinxun
The un&on project takes fiber and perception as the source of thought development, explores the relationship between fiber and body to gain the initial experience of perception, combines accidental behavior and performance art, which adopts a "fiber" thinking and working mode that interweaves with chaos. Two groups of performing artists are specially invited to participate. To form an interactive art projects in an open, experimental state.
Invited Performing artists:
Daniel Rojasanta, Xu Xiaoling

▲《触觉》表演现场照片 Performence Tactual on site
舞者 / Performer
Daniel Rojasanta, Xu Xiaoling
时间 / Time
15-20 mins
简介 / Work Brief
我们通过感官体验世界,我们的感知能力和外部现实之间的互动方式塑造了我们理解世界的方式。如果我们密切关注我们使用感官的方式,我们将从本质上观察到我们对现实的理解方式。如果我们的感官感知改 变,我们体验世界的方式也会改变。
We experience the world through our senses, the way our perception interacts with external reality shapes how we understand the world.
If we pay close attention to how we use our senses, we will essentially observe the way we perceive reality. If our sensory perception changes, the way we experience the world will change with it.
The performance is a small metaphor.
Two people, one space, multiple conversations
Each person perceives his/her own body, his/her own space, they connect with each other by touch, and at the same time they are also in contact with the environment and connect with the space by touch.
A tactile conversation,
Within it, Spaces and installations are opportunities to awaken the senses.
A tactile relationship,
With each other, with the spectacle.

▲《亚人7: 珍珠人、很岛》2022年11月2日开幕表演现场照片
Sub-Human 7: Pearl Man, Super Island
主创艺术家 / Leading Artist
Tao Xinqi
特邀舞者 / Invited Dnacers
Xiao Dan, Shen Chao
声音艺术家 / Sound Artists
Gong Xiao, Yang Sitao
特邀参演艺术家 / Invited Artists
Xu Xinyi, Cindy Wu
参演表演者 / Project Performers
Liu Jiahao, Bao Yuchen, Zhang Xuyu, Shen Chi, Ran Xin, Black
造型服装定制 / Costume Collaboration Studio
L7 Studio
表演时间 / Performance Time
第一场 / First Show
2022.11.2 / 13:30 (20分钟开幕版)
2nd November, 13:30pm, 20 mins (Opening Version)
第二场 / Second Show
2022.11.13 / 14:00 (45分钟完整版)
13th November, 14:00pm, 45mis (Full Version)
简介 / Work Brief
《亚人7: 珍珠人、很岛》是艺术家陶心琪的表演作品“亚人”系列为第四届杭州纤维艺术三年展“日常植造UN&ON”展览单元委任创作的最新现场,延续“亚人”系列的一贯风格——日常与舞蹈身体的混合、媒介与现场的融合,这部作品将结合行为、街舞/舞蹈、声音、装置、影像、语言,以及单元参展艺术家的纤维作品,将现场短暂地转换成一个生长、贯穿、跳跃、奇诞的地带。作品的主要议题集中于2019年以来社会经济层面的发展与跌宕,通过艺术家虚构的“珍珠人”种群与角色,将珍珠作为价值的刻度与隐喻,以艺术化的表达探讨疫情、网络经济、资本权力、个人日常等主题,将其转变成一幕幕离奇的表演。街舞的身体、“行为雕塑”、马术动作、“battle”等表演结构与手段在这部作品中被艺术家进行大量实验与探索。
Sub-Human 7: Pearl Man, Super Island is the most recent performance work by artist TAO XINQI from her continually creating work series “Sub-Human”. This piece of work is commissioned by UN&ON exhibition project (Weaving Jungle) in Being Theoria - the 4th Hangzhou Triennial of Fiber Art. Following the “Sub-Human” series’s unique style which usually present a mixed creation of daily and dancing body, the integration of media and live scenes, in this work the artist uses action, hip-hop/dance, sound, installation, video, verbal languages, along with interactions with most of the works in the exhibition project, Xinqi temporarily converts the venue to a growing, perforative, bouncing and erratic space of body being. In Sub-Human 7 , Xinqi primarily aims to discuss topics on the economic level since 2019, in the work a fictional character/group “Pearl Man” is made up by the artist, and pearl becomes a yard stick and metaphor for value. Artist’s reflections on the post-epidemic economic form, cybereconomy, capital power and individual experiences is expressed by her body art language and methods, being transferred into invasive performance scenes. The body of hip-hop, “action sculpture”, equestrian movements, as well as the structure of “battle” in hip-hop dance are experimented and explored on a large scale by Xinqi in this new work.

Weaving Jungle
织觉丛小组创建于2021年,由中国美术学院纤维艺术系的教师、艺术家应歆珣主持组建,研究生团队罗诗琳、毛宇、姚皖情、王舒艺、黄蓉等艺术家为重要成员的艺术策划小组,以联合其他艺术家及跨界领域的艺术家、设计师、学者进行合作的方式进行一系列艺术活动。知觉丛小组以纤维及感知作为思想发展的源头,探索纤维与身体的关系去拾获感知的最初经验,结合偶发行为及表演,发掘 “纤维”所提供的感知来引发事件,以一种交织与混沌并存的”纤维式”思维与工作方式,试图以开放的、实验的状态共同策划与创作一系列互动艺术项目。
Art group Weaving Jungle was founded in 2021, led by Ying Xinxun, she is both a professor and an active artist from the Fiber Art Department of China Academy of Art, Professor Ying build the team with a group of Fiber Art majored graduate Students, Luo Shilin, Mao Yu, Yao Wanqin, Wang Shuyi and HuangRong as important members of the art group. By cooperating with others such as cross-media artists, designers and scholars, together they carried out a series of exciting art activities. The art group Weaving Jungle takes fiber and perception as the source of thought development, explores the relationship between fiber and body to get the initial experience of perception, combines accidental behavior and performance, explores the perception provided by "fiber" to trigger events, and adopts a "fiber" thinking and working mode that interweaves with chaos. It attempts to plan and create a series of interactive art projects in an open and experimental state.
Many Artists such as Huang Rong, Jiang Meiqi, Liu Tiantong, Luo Shilin, Li Wen, Mao Yu, Tang Chenkai, Wang Haoyu, Wang JinXuan, Wang Shuyi, Wu Fengxi, Wu Yiquan, Xie Shaofen, Yan Yizhou, Yang Yumeng, Yao Wanqin, Zhang Bin, Zhang Xinli, Zhu Chenxi, Zhu Shengsheng, Ma Siqi, Zhang Tiantian, Chen Binsheng, Chen Wanyue, Gong Ziqing, Han Yining have participated in this Project UN&ON.
此项目还邀请了来自中国美术学院创新艺术学院马川、向逸、李丹琳、陈玥、黄颖设计团队共同参与。同时,特别邀请了陶心琪、徐心怡、肖丹、龚啸、徐心怡、吴文芳、杨思韬和丹艺Daniel Rojasanta、徐晓玲等表演艺术家及团队与“织觉丛”一起发掘纤维艺术的另一种叙事。
The Project has also invited excellent designers from ChinaAcademy of Arts to participate, including Ma Chuan, Xiang Yi, Li Danlin, Chen Yue, Huang Yin. At the Same time, Invited Performing artist team: Tao Xinqi, Gong Xiao, Xu Xinyi, Wu wenfang, Xiao Dan, Yang Sitao, Daniel Rojasanta, Xu Xiaolin are also part of the UN&ON Project.
The un&on project takes fiber and perception as the source of thought development, explores the relationship between fiber and body to gain the initial experience of perception, combines accidental behavior and performance art, which adopts a "fiber" thinking and working mode that interweaves with chaos. Two groups of performing artists are specially invited to participate. To form an interactive art projects in an open, experimental state.



本届杭州纤维艺术三年展以“缓存在 / Being Theoria”为主题,追溯作为人类思想之原型与普遍隐喻的“纤维”与艺术之间的关联,展期为2022年10月18日至12月4日,特别项目“净因|Pure Reason”9月30日在杭州博物馆启幕后将同期(12月4日)结束。
“缓存在 / Being Theoria”是多重意念的联系与编织,基于“纤维”提供的感知与方法,面对着21世纪第二个十年的全球语境,通过对“纤维”与“艺术”的元问题的回返与思考,以交织的展览线索构造出千丝万缕的纤维网络,于普遍的物性与悟性中连接、组织成一种系统的世界观。

缓存在 / Being Theoria · 浙江美术馆

展览地点 / Location
Exhibition Hall No.1 - No.6 and the outdoor and public areas of the Zhejiang Art Museum138 Nanshan Road, Hangzhou
展览时间 / Duration
2022.10.18 - 12.4
周二至周日 9:00 - 17:00(16:30停止入馆)
Tues - Sun, 9:00 - 17:00, entry will be closed at 16:30
净因 | Pure Reason · 杭州博物馆

展览地点 | Location
Indoor and Outdoor Public Space of Hangzhou Museum, 2&18 Liangdao Hill, Shangcheng District, Hangzhou
展览时间 | Duration
2022.9.30 - 12.4
周二至周日 9:00 - 16:30(16:00停止入馆)
Tues - Sun, 9:00 - 17:00, entry will be closed at 16:30
Hangzhou Triennial of Fiber Art

杭州纤维艺术三年展(Hangzhou Triennial of Fiber Art)创立于2013年,是一个致力于当代纤维艺术研究、创作与展示的国际展览平台。由中国美术学院当代纤维艺术研究所(原万曼壁挂研究室)发起,中国美术学院和浙江美术馆共同创建、联合主办,各届分别以“纤维,作为一种眼光/Fiber Visions”(2013)、“我织我在/Weaving & We”(2016)、“无界之归/Boundless Encounters”(2019)、“缓存在/Being Theoria”(2022)为主题。
Zhejiang Art Museum

Hangzhou Museum
